Steven Krieger Law

Getting Started

Getting Started with

Steven Krieger Law

Initial Consultation

Our justice system is complex and intimidating, but everyone should have access to legal counsel, so take the first step and make the modest investment in an initial consultation. At the initial consultation, we will meet so you can decide if you’d like to work together. You will have the opportunity to explain your situation, ask any questions, and get our initial thoughts. Finally, you’ll hear how we can help and what you can realistically expect. If you are interested in retaining Steven Krieger Law, a compensation structure that works for you will be developed.


Traditionally, law firms bill clients based on an hourly rate. At large firms, senior attorneys may charge rates exceeding $1,000 an hour and the junior attorneys are often billed at rates exceeding $500 an hour. Our hourly rates are significantly lower because we strongly believe that everyone should have access to legal counsel.

Additionally, we offer a variety of other fee structures because we are committed to finding a compensation plan that fits your needs and our ability to provide you with quality legal representation. These options may include 1) a flat rate fee for an all-inclusive service; 2) a hybrid hourly and flat rate package for different components of the representation; and/or 3) contingency fees.

Finally, we offer limited-scope representation. Instead of representing you for the duration of your legal matter (from start to finish), we will advise you on discrete aspects of your case. For example, we can provide advice, research, or other specifically defined roles, so you can represent yourself.

The Retention Agreement

If you would like to retain us to counsel and represent you, we will provide you with a written agreement that will require your signature. Representation begins only after the agreement is executed and compensation arrangements are agreed upon.

Ready to talk? Contact Steven Krieger Law for more information.

SKL Getting Started
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