


Collecting on a Judgement Against a Licensed Vehicle Dealer in Virginia Who Committed Fraud

The traditional stereotype of the “shady used car salesman” did not become a stereotype without some basis in fact, and many consumers have suffered losses because they placed themselves in the hands of the wrong auto salesperson, broker, or dealership.  There are, however, protections in the law to assist a consumer who has been damaged...
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How Do I Pierce the Corporate Veil of a Virginia Business to Hold an Individual Owner Responsible for My Damages?

Although the benefits of incorporation include shareholder immunity from suit in most cases, what happens when someone uses their business’s corporate status as a sword to commit fraud, rather than a shield to avoid contractual liability? 
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Can I Move or Relocate out of Virginia with My Child? 

In determining whether to permit a relocation, the Court will look at what is best for your child.  The burden is on the parent who wants to relocate to show that the move is in the child’s best interest and that the move will not significantly negatively impact the other parent’s relationship with the child.
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Motor Vehicle Dealerships have Disclosure and Inspection Requirements in Virginia to Protect Consumers

Car dealerships have disclosure and inspection requirements in Virginia to protect consumers from unknowingly purchasing lousy vehicles.
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The Virginia Consumer Protection Act Protects Against Home Renovation Contractors and Auto Vehicle Dealers

By Susann Nordvik  One of the sharpest arrows in the quiver of a consumer attorney, and therefore, her clients, is the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (the “VCPA”).  However, aside from the protections afforded by the VCPA, there are lesser-known statutory provisions that either establish a private right of action under the VCPA, or indicate that...
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11tenant eviction law Virginia

How Does the Virginia Eviction Moratorium Impact Landlords and Tenants?

Virginia has enacted new laws related to evictions for non-payment of rent that went into effect beginning in July 2020 or later.
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About the Author

Steven Krieger and guests (lawyers and non-lawyers) will periodically post about topics relevant to his firm and practice areas. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. 

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