

Defamation Lawyer - Steven Krieger Law

I was Defamed Online on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, so Where do I sue the Defendant?

As the Information Age reaches the pinnacle of its estate, courts continue to struggle with questions of jurisdiction over disputes arising out of information and commentary posted online, usually on social media. 
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Defamation Lawsuits in Virginia for Libel or Slander

Defamation Lawsuits in Virginia for Libel or Slander Requires More than a Simple False Statement — the Courts Require “Sting”

The Virginia Supreme Court has established certain categories of actionable statements as having a strong defamatory “sting”, so much so that the plaintiff would not have to show how exactly he or she was injured by the statement.
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Woman Put On Leave Over Unfounded Allegations from 16 Years Ago

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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Being Sued for a Negative Review Posted on Yelp, Angie’s List, Google or Another Website? The D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act Could Help

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How Do I Remove Defamatory or Libelous Content from the Internet?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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Why is Defamatory or Libelous Content Allowed Online?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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About the Author

Steven Krieger and guests (lawyers and non-lawyers) will periodically post about topics relevant to his firm and practice areas. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. 

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