

What Happens if Parents Do Not Agree on an Important Medical Decision for their Child?

If the Court determines that the parents are not able to make a joint decision that the Court believes is in the best interest of the child after weighing the factors, the Court will  likely order sole legal custody to one parent to make the decision or give the parent that the Court determines is...
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Can I Move or Relocate out of Virginia with My Child? 

In determining whether to permit a relocation, the Court will look at what is best for your child.  The burden is on the parent who wants to relocate to show that the move is in the child’s best interest and that the move will not significantly negatively impact the other parent’s relationship with the child.
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How Do I File for a Protection Order or Restraining Order in Washington, D.C.?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How Do I File for a Protective Order or Restraining Order in Virginia?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How Can I Petition the Virginia Courts to Modify My Custody Order?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How is a Child Visitation Schedule Determined in Virginia?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How do Virginia Courts Determine Child Custody?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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About the Author

Steven Krieger and guests (lawyers and non-lawyers) will periodically post about topics relevant to his firm and practice areas. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. 

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