Consumer Law


What Are Your Consumer Rights For a Vehicle Repair under the Virginia Automobile Repair Facilities Act?

Car owners have the right to a written estimate and repair facilities shall not exceed 10% of the estimate price unless car owners give express authorization. Facilities who violate these obligations would make facilities liable to car owners under the Virginia Consumer Protection Act.
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Big wheels keep turning and tow trucks keep towing – so here is what you should expect if your car is towed in Virginia

Virginia lawmakers drafted regulations to protect you from predatory towing practices, like the Virginia Consumer Protection Act and Va Code § 46.2-1233.
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Collecting on a Judgement Against a Licensed Vehicle Dealer in Virginia Who Committed Fraud

The traditional stereotype of the “shady used car salesman” did not become a stereotype without some basis in fact, and many consumers have suffered losses because they placed themselves in the hands of the wrong auto salesperson, broker, or dealership.  There are, however, protections in the law to assist a consumer who has been damaged...
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Motor Vehicle Dealerships have Disclosure and Inspection Requirements in Virginia to Protect Consumers

Car dealerships have disclosure and inspection requirements in Virginia to protect consumers from unknowingly purchasing lousy vehicles.
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The Virginia Consumer Protection Act Protects Consumers from Home Renovation Contractors and Auto Vehicle Dealers

The VCPA provides consumers with a remedy against home renovation contractors and auto vehicle dealers that have misrepresented themselves.
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I received a bad check in Virginia, so what are my legal options?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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I received a bad check in D.C., so what are my legal options?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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I bought a car in Virginia, but the car dealer did not give me title. May I sue the dealer?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How to Sue a Nursing Home for Negligence, Breach of Contract, or Consumer Rights Violation When an Arbitration Provision Exists

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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About the Author

Steven Krieger and guests (lawyers and non-lawyers) will periodically post about topics relevant to his firm and practice areas. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. 

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