Business Entity


Collecting on a Judgement Against a Licensed Vehicle Dealer in Virginia Who Committed Fraud

The traditional stereotype of the “shady used car salesman” did not become a stereotype without some basis in fact, and many consumers have suffered losses because they placed themselves in the hands of the wrong auto salesperson, broker, or dealership.  There are, however, protections in the law to assist a consumer who has been damaged...
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How Do I Pierce the Corporate Veil of a Virginia Business to Hold an Individual Owner Responsible for My Damages?

Although the benefits of incorporation include shareholder immunity from suit in most cases, what happens when someone uses their business’s corporate status as a sword to commit fraud, rather than a shield to avoid contractual liability? 
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A Decisive Business Advantage for Virginia Business Owners—the LLC

LLCs provide operations and taxation flexibility in one cohesive system of business governance that benefits all businesses in Virginia.
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Avoiding a Personal Guarantee from Commercial Lenders like QuarterSpot, DLI Assets Bravo, On Deck Capital, and other Small Business Lenders

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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Being Sued for a Negative Review Posted on Yelp, Angie’s List, Google or Another Website? The D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act Could Help

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How Do I Collect on a Judgment: The Debt Collection Process in Virginia

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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May I Represent My LLC, Corporation, or Partnership in Virginia Court?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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About the Author

Steven Krieger and guests (lawyers and non-lawyers) will periodically post about topics relevant to his firm and practice areas. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. 

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