Steven Krieger Law


Steven Krieger & Colleagues

Recent Publications

Steven A. KriegerDefamation Per Se Cases Should Include Guaranteed Minimum Presumed Damage Awards to Private Plaintiffs, 58 San Diego Law Review 641 (2021).

Steven A. KriegerThe Difficulty in Waiving the Appellate Bond Requirement for Indigent Defendants Appealing from General District Court to Circuit Court Pursuant to Virginia Section 16.1-107, 3 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy 389 (2020).

Steven A. KriegerLow Bono Legal Counsel: Closing the Access to Justice Gap by Providing the Middle Class with Affordable Attorneys, 18 The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Race and Social Justice 144 (2016).

Steven A. KriegerWhy Our Justice System Convicts Innocent People and the Challenges Faced By Innocence Projects Trying to Exonerate Them, 14 New Criminal Law Review 333 (2011).

Steven A. KriegerDo “Tough on Crime” Politicians Win More Elections? An Empirical Analysis of California State Legislators from 1992 to 2000, 45 Creighton Law Review 131 (2011).

Steven A. Krieger and Paul Burns, Op-Ed.It Should Be Easy to Stop Junk Mail. The Montpelier Times-Argus (Vt.), Mar. 16, 2008.
Steven A. Krieger and Linda Rubright, Op-Ed.Junk Mail: Let the People Decide, Rocky Mountain News (Colo.), Feb. 24, 2007, at 33.

Steven A. KriegerFive Issues with Impact: Tips for making Responsible Consumer Choices, In Balance, Fall, 2006.

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